Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Episode 3: Workin' in the Rain

    Well here we are nearly at the end of spring 2012 and we have been hard at work pretty much constantly on the film. In this episode of the film blog we discuss some of the challenges that we are faced with when having to shoot in the dark and in pouring rain.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Episode 2 - Cramming All of 2011 Into One Video

      Here is Episode 2 of our film blog. It took us long enough to get it out, huh? For this episode we tried to wrap up all the filming we did in 2011 and put it into one video.

       This episode took so long to come out because we took a little break from HWD in the middle of the year and didn't get back to it until now. We hit the spring time really really hard last year and wasted tons of gas chasing after a few frog species that we never even found and so it kind of had us bummed out. We made the conscious decision to take a break from it for a while so that we would not burn ourselves out on it before we finished this movie. Now that we have had some experience filming, we are beginning to see just how much work and planning a project like this takes. We want this film to be the best it can be so we are taking it slow and making sure things are right. Nothing would kill this project faster than rushing through it and having the resulting product be not up to our standards.

      There is still lots to do for this film and so we are already gearing up for what will be a busy year. The salamander season is rolling up on us really fast here and we still need some footage of the migration. We want to be sure we have everything we need so that we do not end up in the cutting room in November and realize that we need more footage of the spotted salamanders. I am sure there will be more videos coming as soon as we get start getting out and filming again. It is time to really get ourselves in gear and get this film finished this year!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Spotted Salamander Shoot and Video Blog Ep. 1

     So we finally got around to posting the first (of many) video blogs for this film. This stuff was actually shot way back in March but we were super busy with school and work and are just now finally getting around to posting it. So without further ado, here is Episode 1 of our video blog!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Equipment: What are we filming this movie with?

     So I mentioned that we bought all new camera stuff for this film. I know most people probably don't care much about camera talk but for the indie film makers out there (and anyone else who cares about cinematography) I figured I would make a post about what we are shooting on and what sort of equipment we are using.

HWD: The Movie (history and things to come)

     So you may or may not have heard the news but, we have started production on a full length Herping With Dylan film! This blog is the official production diary of our progress. We will update this with exclusive photos, videos, and information about the movie. Follow us though principal photography, pick-ups, post production, and finally the release of this film.